
Mary Peterson Appointed Administrative Consultant

Boston, MA — NAPA is excited to announce the appointment of Mary Peterson as Administrative Consultant, a new position on the NAPA Executive Board and a milestone for the association as it embarks on a new stage of growth. In this role, Mary will provide guidance and administrative support to the NAPA Executive Board, support the planning of NAPA meetings, and interact with other national interfraternal umbrella councils and higher education associations on NAPA’s behalf. “Bringing Mary on board in an official capacity will allow us to provide better service to our member organizations,” said Hannah Seoh, NAPA Chair. “Mary’s support will also enable the Board to concentrate their efforts on thinking bigger and bolder to ultimately take NAPA to the next level.” Mary Peterson is one of a handful of individuals who was instrumental in the creation of NAPA in the mid-late 2000s. An experienced adviser to many fraternities and sororities across various councils, Mary has worked with several NAPA member organizations one-on-one and brings a wealth of expertise to NAPA’s Executive Board. “I am honored and humbled that NAPA has chosen me to aid them in their endeavors. NAPA organizations and its members are incredible organizations that are committed to making a difference in the lives of undergraduate students. I look forward to the great things we will accomplish.” The motion to add a new position to the Executive Board was presented at NAPA’s Annual Meeting last month in Boston. The addition of the new role, as well as the responsibilities for the Administrative Consultant, were voted and passed among NAPA’s 18 constituent organizations. According to NAPA Secretary Teri Chung, “With the newest addition to NAPA’s Executive Board, an Administrative Consultant will advance NAPA to new heights since its inception 10 years ago. This growth will foster collaboration and coalition-building between one another and with other organizations nationwide.” ### About NAPA The National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association shares a commitment to fraternal unity and assisting our membership in advancing the fraternal experience. Formally organized in 2006, NAPA currently comprises of 18 culturally-based member organizations. Contact Hannah Seoh, Chair National APIDA Panhellenic Association

#NAPAUNITY Photo Challenge

In the span of 2 weeks, over 60 active accounts collectively generated more than 1,000 photos that champion #NAPAUNITY in action. Looking for a fun way to celebrate the holidays? Take part in our "12 Days of #NAPAUNITY" photo challenge! — NAPA (@NAPAHQ) December 12, 2016 NAPA thanks the following entities (headquarters, chapters, councils) for completing the “12 Days of NAPA Unity Photo Challenge” on social media: @akdphi_csusm • @alphaphigamma • @aphig_depaul • @aphig_lambdachapter • @arlington.akdphi • @betachitheta99 • @bing_depsi • @cornellakdphi • @cudphil • @dallasdkd • @deltaepsilonpsi • @deltakappadelta • @deltaphilambda • @deltaphiomega98 • @depsi_ae • @depsi_ai • @depsi_ak • @depsi_al • @depsi_alphadelta • @depsi_alphatheta • @depsi_kappa • @depsi_lambda • @depsi_theta • @depsitau • @dkd_beta • @dkdalpha • @dpo_gamma • @dpo_lambda • @dpo_phi • @dpo_tau • @dpo_xi • @dpu_lphie • @etasigsigrho • @gtmgc • @gtsigsigrho • @gwusigsigrho • @ind1994 • @kappaphigamma • @kpib_betachapter • @lambdaphiepsilon • @lucdphil • @lusigsigrho • @ncsulphie • @nevadakappas • @pialphaphi1929 • @rusigmasigmarho • @sdaphig • @sigmasigmarho • @sigmasigmarhopsu • @sigsigrho_erau • @sigsigrho_theta • @syracuselambdas • @syzxi • @texasdkd • @thejadetimes • @uabsigsigrho • @uncakdphi • @unccdphil • @usfkappas • @uvakdphi • @uwlambdas • @wichitachisigs In addition to photo uploads, organizations also shared video testimonies, animated GIFs, and curated memes that fit the daily theme of the photo challenge. NAPA recommends following their Instagram feeds to see more NAPA unity in 2017! [View the story “Celebrating #NAPAUNITY” on Storify]

NAPA Name Change Affirms Commitment to Desi Community

Boston, MA—The 2016 NAPA Annual Meeting convened leadership from its 18 constituent organizations to advance fraternal policies and practices. Upon a unanimous vote from all 18 organizations, NAPA has updated its name to the National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association. The term “Desi” references people of the Indian subcontinent or South Asia and their diaspora. While the NAPA acronym remains consistent, the acronym APIDA within N(A)PA reflects a cultural shift within higher education to acknowledge and recognize the Desi community within the larger racial categorizations of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Nine out of 18, or half of the currently recognized NAPA organizations, were historically established as South Asian fraternities and sororities. Earlier this year, NAPA’s intentional appointment for a Project Lead on the Desi Workgroup sought to better understand the needs of historically South Asian fraternities and sororities. Bilal Badruddin, National President of Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc. and Project Lead for the NAPA Desi Workgroup, commends the decision. “I am elated that NAPA, which serves as an empowering voice to APIDA fraternities and sororities, has agreed that the representation of South Asian organizations is important and has created a space for the Desi narrative.” Toubee Yang, a professional campus-based fraternity and sorority adviser states, “It’s a symbolic move for NAPA at this time to acknowledge and include the Desi community in its name. Representation matters and this will speak volumes for every student who is seeking the Desi-Greek experience. It matters to our students to see themselves as part of our organizations and institutions, and it should matter to us as well,” says Yang. According to NAPA Chair Hannah Seoh, “There is still much work to be done to educate others on the heterogeneity of the Asian diaspora, but including Desi in our name is a meaningful notion we can support to get these conversations started.” Originally conceived as the National Asian Greek Council in 2005, the umbrella council’s latest update to its name demonstrates that NAPA has always strived to be the best advocate for its members. ### About NAPA The National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association shares a commitment to fraternal unity and assisting our membership in advancing the fraternal experience. Formally organized in 2006, NAPA currently comprises of 18 culturally-based member organizations.

AFA Annual Meeting 2016

Boston, MA—NAPA leadership attended the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors’ (AFA) Annual Meeting. NAPA hosted an open forum for campus-based professionals and volunteers during the conference, presented a research session on the current landscape of Asian American Greek Letter Organizations, and met with six different campuses during the Fireside Chats. “Great conversations were had with our campus partners and as always it was great to see old friends,” says Hannah Seoh, Chair of NAPA. Wonderful to present AAGLO research with @NAPAHQ team here at #afaam — Vigor Lam (@Veegorous) December 2, 2016 NAPA also hosted its own Annual Meeting in conjunction with AFA’s Annual Meeting in Boston Massachusetts on Saturday, December 3rd. A record attendance of over 70 members of NAPA-affiliated organizations filled the maximum occupancy of the room. Mary Peterson, Founding Advisor to NAPA, guided the meeting as the lead facilitator. Shelley Sutherland, former AFA President and longtime friend to NAPA, also joined in for part of the NAPA Annual Meeting. Discussion and best practices were shared around open expansion, chapter management, alumnae engagement, and board responsibility. Heroes. @NAPAHQ affiliated Student Affairs Professionals at the #NAPAAM in Boston! — Toubee Yang, M.A. (@Toubee_Yang) December 4, 2016 Cole Hermida, Public Relations Chair of Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, found the event welcoming and inclusive for first-time attendees. According to Hermida, “It was really inspiring to see so many people in one room passionate about bettering their own organization and Greek life in general.” Veteran attendees shared similar positive sentiments about the day and indicated that they enjoyed the camaraderie and spirit of unity. They enjoyed the open dialogue with peers and wished for conversations to continue after the Annual Meeting. “Having diverse organizations share infrastructure and strategic procedures on how to tackle issues and roadblocks we currently have today are essential to our growth as we engage in solution in order to move forward and onward,” says Albert Chanthaboury, External Vice President of Chi Sigma Tau National Fraternity. Celebrating a decade of #NAPAunity at #NAPAAM! #AFAAM — NAPA (@NAPAHQ) December 3, 2016 NAPA also built upon relationships with the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations and the National Multicultural Greek Council. NAPA co-hosted a Saturday night mixer for the three umbrella councils and met on Sunday morning to think through different ways the councils could partner throughout the year. Per NAPA Secretary Teri Chung, “Overall, it was a great weekend! The NAPA Board is encouraged, motivated, and excited for the year ahead!” Planning our first multicultural summit with @NationalMGC and @OfficialNALFO! #NAPAAM — NAPA (@NAPAHQ) December 4, 2016

Week of Action 2016 for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The National APIA Panhellenic Association is proud to partner with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) to #TakeAStand. Take A Stand is a call to action meant to bring attention to the issue of domestic violence for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and throughout the year. The current landscape of domestic violence in America is alarming. Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten. And according to the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, “21–55% of Asian women report experiencing intimate physical and/or sexual violence during their lifetime.” By taking a stand, NAPA members remind the nation that there are still countless people—victims and survivors, their children and families, their friends and family, their communities—impacted by domestic violence. NAPA members, leaders, and supporters should not stop until society has zero tolerance for domestic violence and until all victims and survivors can be heard. As domestic violence has been a national agenda and social issue, NAPA is bringing awareness towards this matter. Domestic violence thrives when people do not speak out. Therefore, NAPA is organizing its own Week of Action alongside NCADV on social media to facilitate conversations about domestic violence to the greater community. Contact Seju Patel, Project Lead NAPA Domestic Violence Work Group

Announcing Partnership with #IAmAsianAmerican Project

The National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) is proud to partner with the #IAmAsianAmerican project in their efforts to register 15,000 new voters in this historic election year. The project aims to hold ten days of voter registration in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington D.C., culminating in a concert and night market in each of those cities in celebration of the community’s efforts and accomplishments. NAPA is a coalition of 18 national Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) fraternities and sororities, representing over 512 undergraduate chapters nationwide, and thousands of active and alumni members. "A pan-ethnic coalition of over 30 Asian-American community organizations pledged today" via @colorlines — IamAsianAmerican (@SoAsianAmerican) October 3, 2016 “NAPA was founded as a vehicle to leverage its dedicated membership to promote APIA civic engagement nearly a decade ago,” states NAPA Executive Chair Hannah Seoh, “and in keeping with this mission, we encourage all our affiliate members to volunteer and support the efforts of the ‘I am Asian American’ campaign around the country.” NAPA recognizes the pressing need to improve APIA voter turnout, which has proven its potential to be the swing vote in local and State elections. As the fastest growing community in the nation, APIA voters can secure a voice on the national stage for millions of underserved Americans and help them in achieving their American dream. Be the change u want to see. Asian American Movement is ON! 4 Concerts in 4 Cities same day OCT 16 Live Stream #IAMASIANAMERICAN #VOTE #AAPI — IamAsianAmerican (@SoAsianAmerican) September 24, 2016 ### [Download press release in PDF] Contact Rob Mady, Youth Vote Initiative

National Hazing Prevention Week 2016

National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) 2016 kicks off today! In conjunction with NPC, NALFO, NIC, NPHC and HPO, NAPA is supporting NHPW through a social media campaign centered around the hashtag, #IBelieveinGreeks. HazingPrevention.Org™ will host a series of college screenings of the new feature film GOAT as part of its efforts to empower people to prevent hazing. Starring Nick Jonas, Ben Schnetzer and James Franco, and based on the memoir by Brad Land, GOAT tells the story of two brothers who become embroiled in hazing at a college fraternity. What occurs in the name of ‘brotherhood’ tests both boys and their relationship in brutal ways. Directed by Andrew Neel, the film received wide acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival and will be released in select theaters nationwide, on demand and digital HD on September 23rd by Paramount Home Media Distribution. GOAT offers a realistic and harrowing depiction of the sometimes devastating effects of hazing. Without painting anyone as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ this well-crafted film gives us an excellent opportunity to open a discussion about the psychological and philosophical underpinnings that give rise to hazing and why it is so critical to prevent it. The GOAT educational program will coincide with National Hazing Prevention Week, which runs from September 19th through September 23rd. Each advance screening event will be accompanied by a thought-provoking, CAMPUSPEAK facilitator-lead discussion about the film and the impact of hazing on college campuses: University of Maryland – September 19th The College of William & Mary – September 20th University of Arizona – September 21st University of Central Florida – September 22nd University of California at Berkeley – September 23rd We are proud to partner with @CAMPUSPEAK on providing thought-provoking conversations about hazing during #NHPW16 — HazingPrevention.Org (@PreventHazing) August 31, 2016

NAPA #PowerUp to Vote Campaign

NAPA, APIAVote, and Rock the Vote are teaming up to launch #PowerUp! The goal of the #PowerUp Campaign is to demonstrate the power of Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) this election cycle. This is a nonpartisan effort focused on motivating young people to vote spans college campuses and local communities across the country. AAPI student networks are forming teams to see who can turn out the most voters. Throughout the campaign, they will be joined by celebrities and influencers! The teams consist of: Team Pearl: National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) Team Ruby: Midwest Asian American Student Union (MAASU) Team Gold: East Coast Asian American Student Union (ECAASU) Team Jade: Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Student Association (ITASA) and the Union of North American Vietnamese Student Associations (UNAVSA) Each team receives points based on a conglomeration of different factors: Voter registration: 5 points Pledge to Rock the Vote: 3 points Posting on social media (with Hashtag Mentions) #PowerUp #TEAMNAME: 1 point Engaging with the challenge: varies in points The team with the most points by November 9, 2016 will be able to win one Grand Prize of having one APIAVote/Rock The Vote influencer attend one conference of the Winner’s choosing. More information and details will be made more available as information is released. Pledge to Rock the Vote this November by visiting NAPA’s team page with tools to get started: AAPIs are the fastest growing population in the country, and the size of the AAPI electorate will double by 2040. Despite their growing political power, AAPI communities still have some of the lowest rates of voting in the country, particularly among young AAPIs. Now is the time to create a new, powerful generation of AAPI voters.

Presidential Town Hall 2016

Photo: William Xu and Maui Orozco with Congresswoman Dr. Judy Chu (D-CA), the first Chinese American woman elected to U.S. Congress. Las Vegas, NV—This past August, NAPA engaged in a historical gathering of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans (APIA). Four U.S. presidential campaigns met representatives of APIA affinity groups from around the nation at the 2016 APIA Vote Presidential Townhall. The candidates and their political surrogates appealed to the gathering of APIA leaders for their support. Alpha Phi Gamma’s Maui Orozco, along with Pi Delta Psi’s Will Xu, represented the NAPA community at the public forum. The presidential candidates present, which included Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party, sat down with NBC anchor Richard Lui to discuss salient topics ranging from immigration reform to national security. Gary Johnson was even quizzed on what “AAPI” stood for. President Bill Clinton took the stage for his partner and democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. He framed the racial and political plurality of our nation as a defining strength and advocated for unity amidst narratives of extreme divisiveness. Finally, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes addressed the crowd on behalf of Donald Trump. He leveraged his Filipino roots to discuss the conservative, hardworking values instilled in him by his immigrant parents, and how these values can help our community achieve a shared American dream. The town hall coincided with the Asian American Journalist Association and the National Asian American Association of Professionals Conventions, bringing together the largest gathering of Asian American professionals in recent memory. NAPA’s participation in the APIA Vote youth civic engagement training sessions opened future opportunities to expand coalitional programming efforts. Student leaders learned how to galvanize campus populations and utilize non-profit resources to improve “Get Out The Vote” campaigns across the country. With the NAPA logo projected on the backdrop as a supporting partner of the APIAVote Presidential Townhall, NAPA has now taken part in its fourth Presidential Town Hall, continuing its tradition of partnership with APIAVote that gave birth to NAPA over a decade ago. NAPA’s participation ensures a pipeline of leaders from Asian-interest fraternities and sororities to the public sector, exposing its membership to opportunities in non-traditional career paths where APIAs continue to be underrepresented. NAPA’s youth vote advocacy initiative maximizes exposure to the community it serves, combats existing stigmas of apolitical involvement, and forges crucial partnerships that will define NAPA a decade from now. View this post on Instagram A post shared by NAPAHQ (@napahq)

AAGLO Research

Project Abstract The history of collegiate fraternal organizations can be traced over the past two centuries in America, but little is known about Asian American Greek letter organizations (AAGLOs). What is their purpose, what unique benefits do they afford their members, and what kind of impact, if any, do these organizations have on their members’ racial and identity development? This study aims to answer these questions in order to better understand and illuminate the undergraduate experience within Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) fraternities and sororities. Findings from this study will inform student affairs professionals about the unique role and opportunity for cultural identity development provided by APIDA fraternities and sororities, as little research currently exists investigating this matter. We want to acknowledge those before us that have explored and researched this often forgotten population in higher education. Our hope is to continue the work and provide more literature to campus-based professionals, volunteers, advisors, and others of the growing AAGLO community. Timeline 9/1: Survey launches! 10/15: Survey closes 11/1: Qualitative interviews outreach Want more updates? Please subscribe to our newsletter here. Contact Information Email: IRB #1702006917 Research Team Vigor Lam, M.Ed., Project Director Vigor holds a Masters of Education in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs from the University of Southern California with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accreditation. While in graduate school, he worked for departments including campus activities, multicultural affairs, campus life, and residential life. He also did fieldwork and explored the Asian Greek Council at University of Southern California, interviewed and proposed recommendations for Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS), the cultural center on campus. His involvement with the APIA community in the Midwest led him to work for nonprofits in Washington DC, including Asian Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote). He also serves as the Co-Chair for Asian Pacific American Network (APAN), within the American College Personnel Association (ACPA). Vigor currently works at Cornell within the Office of the Dean of Students as the Assistant Director of the Asian & Asian American Cultural Center. Mai Nguyen, M.A., Project Investigator Mai attended Colorado State University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Technical Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations. She then attended California State University, Sacramento to earn a Master of Arts in Education: Higher Education Leadership. Before joining Texas Woman’s University as the Assistant Director for the Center for Student Development, she worked as the Leadership Initiative Coordinator at California State University, Sacramento for three-and-a-half years. Mai has experience in many areas of Student Affairs, including Greek Life, Leadership, Clubs and Organizations and Orientation. Ari Stillman, M.A., Project Investigator Ari’s background converges his pedigree in research and experience in Greek Life. In the former category, he earned his BA in history and religion from the University of Rochester, MA in sociology of religion from Vanderbilt University, and MA in sociology from the University of Chicago. In the latter category, he advised the Multicultural Greek Council at the University of Pennsylvania and served his fraternity, Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc., on the national board for four years in a variety of roles including National President. Drawing from this background, Ari now focuses his research on fraternity and sorority advisors in an effort to elevate their profession. Other research interests include ritual studies, mythmaking and deconstructing, and organizational change. Dr. Ajay Nair, Ph.D., Research Advisor Dr. Ajay Nair, Senior Vice President and Dean of Campus Life at Emory University, is an accomplished scholar and student affairs leader whose interests include immigration, race, and ethnicity. Ajay’s research interests include quality assurance in educational systems, service learning and civic engagement, and Asian American identity. His co-edited book, Desi Rap: Hip-Hop in South Asian America, focuses on the complexities of second-generation South Asian American identity. His current book project explores the current state of multiculturalism in higher education.
