Annual Report 2017

Message from the Chair

For over a decade, NAPA has existed to support our member organizations in providing the best experience for students and alumni across the globe. This past year was no different. Our recent organizational expansion to what is now 18 fraternities and sororities is a testament, not only to the high quality service we provide, but also to each and every one of our organizations’ desires to excel in the field.

This past year we hit a milestone by hiring our first paid staff person/consultant, Mary Peterson, who has been able to support and advise our member organizations as well as provide administrative support to the Board. While fiscally we are sound, we hope to continue to plan, budget, and forecast accordingly to continue to build up our reserves. Through our webinar series we were able to provide education to our members on developing the next generation of leaders and NAPA hopes to continue to do the same.

As an organization that is led by a volunteer Board, we have accomplished much but also know that our work is never finished. In the near future we hope to build out our strategic plan and improve upon the services we provide for our member organizations. We also hope to be good stewards of the fraternal movement and will continue to build partnerships with all our interfraternal partners. Thank you for taking time to read through our Annual Report. We are very proud of our accomplishments and look forward to sharing even more successes with you in the future.


Hannah Seoh
Chair, 2016-18

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