The National APIDA Panhellenic Association serves to advocate the needs of its member organizations and provides a forum to share ideas and resources within its members. NAPA supports the development of positive relations through open communication with interfraternal partners to enrich the fraternal experience.
NAPA organizations set the gold standard for APIDA fraternities and sororities. In addition to meeting the association’s base standards, NAPA member organizations are exposed to resources and expertise to help them continually improve and be the best they can be. Universities, Greek Councils, and students want the best APIDA fraternities and sororities on campus and they can find them in NAPA.
The gold standard for APIDA fraternities and sororities.
Origins of NAPA
The formation of NAPA has been rooted in the power of coalitions, communities, and conferences. Jeanette Moy of Sigma Psi Zeta and Janelle Hu, Executive Director of APIA Vote, were placed together as roommates at Duke University in the spring of 2004 to attend the Chinese American Intercollegiate Conference (CAIC) as guest speakers. Janelle wanted to get youth more active in voting and civic engagement and spent the CAIC conference walking around and registering people to vote. Jeanette, having been very active in her sorority, realized that the Asian Greek community was an excellent source of youth who could vote and encourage others to vote. She approached Janelle about organizing a youth campaign that would utilize Asian fraternities and sororities to register people to vote. Previously, Jeanette had talked with Brian Gee of Pi Alpha Phi about relevant issues facing Asian fraternities and sororities, and that an umbrella organization was needed to help address concerns.
Following the CAIC conference, Moy and Gee spent the summer recruiting peer organizations to join in the project of registering people to vote. By August of 2004, a growing alliance of organizations expressed various forms of commitment to the project of APIA voter registration for the upcoming 2004 US Presidential Election. A nonpartisan voter registration drive provided a tangible project for groups to work on collaboratively that played off the groups’ social and networking strengths. Voter registration was a non-controversial initiative that organizations could use to build a working relationship while promoting the common goal of civic engagement.
APIA Greek Alliance partners included: alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Alpha Iota Omicron Fraternity, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Lambda Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, and Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority. The results were fruitful. Some chapters hosted candidate forums to discuss issues related to voting. Moreover, many chapters did the grassroots work of actually going out and registering people to vote. In total, over 8,000 people were registered by members of AGA organizations. Seeing the successful collaboration’s positive impact on the APIA community and on college campuses, several of the AGA leaders chose to continue the AGA on further projects, including Tsunami Relief and Hurricane Katrina Relief. While there was not necessarily a cohesive plan for the AGA, the members knew they wanted to do more.
On July 28-31, 2005, with support from the Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA), a national organization dedicated to advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans, the AGA hosted the first-ever leadership summit between the various national APIA fraternities and sororities. The summit provided the first in-person opportunity for these organizations’ leaders to engage in serious dialogue about the challenges and future of the Asian fraternity and sorority community. Attending the conference were members of alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, and Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority.
At the OCA Conference, members of the aforementioned organizations had an opportunity to meet with other Asian youth leaders and learn useful skills for working for change on their campuses. By the end of the summit, recognizing the need for an umbrella organization for Asian fraternities and sororities, the fraternities and sororities in attendance decided to formalize the AGA and member organizations agreed to meet via conference call on a monthly basis. Alice Siu of Sigma Psi Zeta was elected to serve as the AGA’s first chair. The AGA then changed its name to the National Asian Greek Council (NAGC) to show the community that it grew into a united and national effort among Asian fraternities and sororities.
Evolution of NAPA
The end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 was a time of internal development for NAGC. The member organizations felt that additional structure and organization was necessary to work together effectively. Melissa Montenegro of Delta Phi Lambda and Akash Kuravilla of Sigma Beta Rho worked together to help develop an effective and working constitution for the organization. In the course of 18 months, the group cycled through Asian Greek Alliance (AGA), National Asian Greek Alliance (NAGA), National Asian Greek Council (NAGC), and National APA Panhellenic Association (NAPAPA). Eventually, the council name was determined as the National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) and recognized the following 9 members as affiliate members in its ratified constitution: alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority.
In the mid- to late-2000s, NAPA continued to provide resources and spearhead initiatives to help improve the fraternal experience for its members. In October 2007, NAPA hosted its first training for member organizations’ national boards. In 2008, NAPA worked with the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors to create a resource guide to assist campus-based advisors working with NAPA chapters on their campuses. In April 2009, NAPA hosted an Asian Greek Summit. Attendees included a variety of stakeholders from national headquarters, campus Greek Life offices, undergraduates, and other interested parties. It was the largest event of its type to dialogue about issues affecting Asian Greek Life. In December 2013, NAPA, along with NALFO and NMGC, co-hosted a Cultural Greek Summit to discuss issues that affected all culturally-based Greek organizations. NAPA has also continued to unite its member organizations with collaborative initiatives, such as its Friends DO Make a Difference mental health campaign in 2014.
The growing membership of Desi/South Asian fraternities and sororities in NAPA prompted the NAPA to change its name in 2017 to National APIDA Panhellenic Association. As of 2020, NAPA membership has grown to 20 organizations, and has become the de facto voice of the APIDA fraternal movement. As NAPA matured and embraced its role in higher education and the interfraternal community, its member organizations developed better operational practices and became more effective inter/national entities.
As NAPA has strived to become the gold standard for the APIDA fraternal community, benefits of membership have become clear to the APIDA fraternities and sororities. NAPA organizations now exist at over 160 universities across North America, totaling over distinct 600 chapters as of 2021.
APIDA Greek Origins
Many people are surprised to learn the rich history of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) fraternities and sororities dates back to the early 20th Century.
Between 1916 and 1930, the first APIDA fraternities and sororities were created as support groups for small ethnic minorities (Chinese or Japanese) on predominantly White college campuses. They mirrored their White counterparts by adopting Greek letters, forming a chapter, incorporating secret rituals, and developing their own traditions (Kimbrough, 2003). Organizations of this early era include:
- 1916 – Rho Psi Fraternity at Cornell University (Chinese)
- 1929 – Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity at University of California, Berkeley (Chinese)
- 1929 – Chi Alpha Delta Sorority at University of California, Los Angeles (Japanese)
- 1930 – Sigma Omicron Pi Sorority at San Francisco State University (Chinese)
The number of Asian-interest Greek-lettered organizations of that era is much smaller than our peer organizations, such as “white” and “black” fraternities and sororities. There may be many reasons for this, but one primary factor is the tight immigration policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907, and the Immigration Act of 1924, which made it very difficult for those of Asian origin to come to this country and access the higher education system.
Pre-World War II
The first Asian-Interest fraternal organization was Rho Psi Fraternity, established at Cornell University in 1916 by a group of Chinese American men. Rho Psi grew substantially in the 1920s and 1930s, establishing chapters in places all over East Asia, such as Hong Kong, as well as multiple chapters in the United States. However, the organization began to focus on post-collegiate experiences, and officially became Rho Psi Society, a co-ed professional organization, in 1976.
Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity was founded in 1929 at UC Berkeley by a group of Chinese American men. That same year, a group of Japanese American women formed Chi Alpha Delta at UCLA. Finally, in 1930, a group of Chinese American women established Sigma Omicron Pi, which stands for Sisters of Pedagogy, at San Francisco State University as an organization that would provide sisterhood to Chinese American women interested in teaching. With the establishment of this organization, the establishment of pre-World War II organizations was complete.
Loosening immigration policies, a rise in the APIDA student population, and the close geographic proximity of several universities and colleges in Southern California ushered in the next major period of Asian American fraternal development (Lee, 2003).
Post-World War II
The 1940s through 1970s saw the establishment of many organizations for both Asian American men and women in California. The first of these was Sigma Phi Omega Sorority, started by a group of Japanese American women in 1949 at the University of Southern California.
Organizations created a vibrant Asian fraternal community across Southern California. Chapters held numerous events across the region and developed elaborate customs and traditions. In 1982, 22 fraternities and sororities formed the Asian Greek Council of Southern California in order to promote, maintain, and regulate cooperation among its many group members (Asian Greek Council, n.d.).
Beginning in the late 1980s, an exploding Asian American student population, the rise in multiculturalism, and the advancement of technology combined to help usher in a fast-growing, national, Asian fraternity/sorority movement. For the first time since Rho Psi Fraternity began at Cornell University, Asian fraternal organizations were chartered outside of California. Existing organizations such as Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity, Pi Alpha Phi fraternity, and alpha Kappa Delta Phi sorority began chartering chapters in states such as Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, and Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority were founded on New York campuses, and within 5 years, each had chartered several chapters. With the development of the Internet in the 1990s, it became easy for these new groups to find organizations that shared similar ideals.
The mid-1990s also saw the birth of Greek-lettered organizations focused on South Asian Americans. By the end of the 1990s, at least 35 organizations with over 140 chapters had been established.
In the 2000s, these fraternities and sororities sought organizational development with the goal of improving the fraternal experience for their members. In 2005, nine of the largest and most prominent APIDA fraternities and sororities created the National Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Panhellenic Association (NAPA) to promote and foster positive relations among its member organizations and the community.
As of 2013, more than 65 Asian American fraternities and sororities have been established across North America totaling over 450 total chapters.
The culture and traditions of NAPA fraternities and sororities have many similarities with those of NALFO, NIC, NMGC, NPC, and NPHC, fraternities and sororities. Many NAPA organizations’ members will use hand signs, step, and place letters on clothing, jewelry, pins, and other paraphernalia. These customs convey a sense of pride and unity of membership. Many of the NAPA organizations are still in their growing stages of development, and therefore some traditions, such as stepping or greetings, have been adopted by some of their chapters in specific regions but have not transcended to other chapters in other regions. The following information was compiled from NAPA member organization responses to a qualitative survey conducted by the AFA Intake Workgroup in the summer of 2008.
Organizational colors play a crucial role in the identity and pride of many NAPA groups. Colors are used by organizations to distinguish themselves from each other. Additionally, colors often provide the basis for marketing of the organization.
Hand Signs
These are used as an outward expression of pride and organizational distinction. Hand signs can have significant meaning related to the organization and/or chapter’s founding and culture. These signs also indicate pride and unity among their membership.
These are activities where the members of one fraternity or one sorority visit the chapter of another fraternity or sorority for a social event. These events, also known as socials, mixers, kickbacks, etc. are sometimes scaled up to include multiple chapters of each organization.
Public Ceremonies
Some chapters do not allow public shows or presentations of any sort, while others choose to do a public ceremony, inviting members of the campus community to attend. These public ceremonies might also be called probates, new member introductions, presents, or installations (installs). The level of formality varies, from casual dress probate shows to formalwear events such as installs.
Stepping is an elaborate performance involving synchronized, rhythmic steps, marching, and tradition. Stepping is performed by some NAPA organizations. Note that not all organizations recognize stepping nationally, but some local chapters may choose to adopt this custom.
Strolling, also referred to as party walking, walks, struts, or halos, is a series of steps performed by new members, usually at parties or step shows. The differences between strolling and stepping are evident in that strolls are performed to music. The adoption of strolling varies among organizations and regions. Several NAPA organizations have both national and chapter strolls.
The culture of NAPA fraternities and sororities is constantly being defined through members’ actions and the influences of their
surrounding communities. Understanding the contexts through which these organizations derive their values and beliefs will help
advisors and other interested parties be more prepared to assist with the development of these unique organizations.

Bryan Dosono
Executive Chair

Deepa Mistry
Executive Vice Chair

Chris Vinzons
Vice Chair of Communications

Darshan Amin
Vice Chair of Finance

Nora McGlynn
Vice Chair of Membership

Teri Chung
Past Chair

Joyce Chua
Director of Partnerships

Suhani Shah
Director of Programming

Zaria St Lawrence
Director of Research

Sonja Serrano
Director of Technology
Year | Position | Name | Affiliation |
2024 | Executive Chair | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2024 | Executive Vice Chair | Deepa Mistry | Delta Phi Omega |
2024 | Vice Chair of Communications | Chris Vinzons | Kappa Pi Beta |
2024 | Vice Chair of Finance | Darshan Amin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2024 | Vice Chair of Membership | Nora McGlynn | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2024 | Past Chair | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2024 | Director of Research and Development | Elizabeth Kwong | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2024 | Director of Councils | Chandni Nigam | Delta Phi Omega |
2024 | Director of Technology | Sonja Serrano | Delta Phi Lambda |
2024 | Director of Programming | Suhani Shah | Delta Phi Omega |
2024 | Undergraduate Councils Intern | Renee Chau | Delta Phi Lambda |
2023 | Executive Chair | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2023 | Executive Vice Chair | Suhani Shah | Delta Phi Omega |
2023 | Vice Chair of Communications | Atindra Garigipati | Delta Sigma Iota |
2023 | Vice Chair of Finance | Pujitha Kallakuri | Delta Kappa Delta |
2023 | Vice Chair of Membership | Ruchir Dixit | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2023 | Past Chair | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2023 | Director of Research and Development | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2023 | Director of Councils | Nora McGlynn | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2023 | Director of Technology | Chris Vinzons | Kappa Pi Beta |
2023 | Director of Programming | Kristal Rosas | Delta Phi Lambda |
2022 | Chair | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2022 | Vice Chair | Suhani Shah | Delta Phi Omega |
2022 | Secretary | Atindra Garigipati | Delta Sigma Iota |
2022 | Treasurer | Pujitha Kallakuri | Delta Kappa Delta |
2022 | Past Chair | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2022 | Director of Membership | Ruchir Dixit | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2022 | Director of Research and Development | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2022 | Director of Records | Nikki Manderico | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2022 | Director of Councils | Zaria St Lawrence | Delta Phi Lambda |
2022 | Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Samina Rogers-Hussain | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2022 | Director of Alumni Engagement | Aldalina Charles | Delta Phi Lambda |
2022 | Strategic Advisor | Tram Vo | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2021 | Chair | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2021 | Vice Chair | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2021 | Secretary | Trang Bui | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2021 | Treasurer | Pujitha Kallakuri | Delta Kappa Delta |
2021 | Chair Emeritus | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2021 | Director of Research and Development | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2021 | Director of Membership | Ruchir Dixit | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2021 | Director of Communications | Suhani Shah | Delta Phi Omega |
2021 | Director of Public Relations | Elizabeth Kwong | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2021 | Social Media Manager | Atindra Garigipati | Delta Sigma Iota |
2020 | Chair | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2020 | Vice Chair | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2020 | Secretary | Trang Bui | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2020 | Treasurer | Pujitha Kallakuri | Delta Kappa Delta |
2020 | Chair Emeritus | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2020 | Director of Research and Development | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2020 | Director of Communications | Suhani Shah | Delta Phi Omega |
2020 | Director of Public Relations | Elizabeth Kwong | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2020 | Social Media Manager | Atindra Garigipati | Delta Sigma Iota |
2020 | Director of Membership | Ruchir Dixit | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2020 | Resources Manager | Priyanka Patel | Delta Phi Omega |
2020 | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Coordinator | Martina Pineda | Delta Phi Lambda |
2019 | Vice Chair | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2019 | Treasurer | Pujitha Kallakuri | Delta Kappa Delta |
2019 | Project Manager | Aman Kundlas | Sigma Beta Rho |
2019 | Policy & Procedures Manager | Harini Morisetty | Delta Phi Omega |
2019 | Social Media Manager | Huma Khursheed | Delta Phi Omega |
2019 | Webinar Manager | Kristine Medina | Delta Phi Lambda |
2018 | Director of Communications | Cindy Loata | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2017 | Chair | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2017 | Vice Chair | Vigor Lam | Pi Delta Psi |
2017 | Secretary | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2017 | Treasurer | Alison Kao | Delta Phi Lambda |
2017 | Consultant | Mary Peterson | Alpha Phi |
2017 | Director of Administration | Prashant Kher | Beta Chi Theta |
2017 | Director of Communications | Angela Ju | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2017 | Director of Membership | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2017 | Director of Operations | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2017 | Director of Programs | Kristine Medina | Delta Phi Lambda |
2017 | Graphic Design Coordinator | Andrew Cristiani | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2017 | Higher Education Coordinator | Taylor Phoumivong | Alpha Tau Omega |
2017 | LGBT Initiatives Coordinator | Toubee Yang | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2017 | Risk Management Coordinator | Brian Gee | Pi Alpha Phi |
2016 | Chair | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2016 | Vice Chair | Vigor Lam | Pi Delta Psi |
2016 | Secretary | Teri Chung | Kappa Phi Lambda |
2016 | Director of Communications | Angela Ju | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2016 | Director of Finance | Alison Kao | Delta Phi Lambda |
2016 | Director of Interfraternal Relations | Prashant Kher | Beta Chi Theta |
2016 | Director of Operations | Michelle Wu | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2016 | Director of Technology | Bryan Dosono | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2016 | Director of Undergraduate Affairs | Chee Ia Yang | Delta Phi Lambda |
2016 | Co-Director of AAGLO Summit | Kiran Wadhwa | Sigma Sigma Rho |
2016 | Co-Director of Programs, Initiatives | Jose Pangelinan | Sigma Lambda Beta |
2016 | Co-Director of Programs, Work Groups | Christiana Cabrera | Sigma Lambda Gamma |
2016 | Project Lead, Desi Initiative | Bilal Badruddin | Delta Epsilon Psi |
2016 | Project Lead, LGBTQ Initiative | Toubee Yang | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2016 | Project Lead, Youth Vote Initiative | Rob Mady | Pi Alpha Phi |
2016 | Project Lead Domestic Violence Work Group | Seju Patel | Sigma Sigma Rho |
2016 | Project Lead, Hazing Prevention Work Group | Brian Gee | Pi Alpha Phi |
2016 | Project Lead, Mental Health Work Group | Patrick Lin | Pi Delta Psi |
2016 | Expansion Consultant | Dennis Ngin | Pi Delta Psi |
2016 | Research Consultant | Ari Stillman | Sigma Beta Rho |
2015 | Director of Public Engagement | Vigor Lam | Pi Delta Psi |
2015 | Executive Chair | Brenda Dang | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2015 | Vice Chair | Phi Nguyen | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2015 | Secretary | Lyna Nguyen | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2015 | Treasurer | Grayce Yuen | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2015 | Director of Interfraternal Relations | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2015 | Director of Membership Standards | Anita Lewis | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2015 | Director of Public Engagement | Vigor Lam | Pi Delta Psi |
2014 | Executive Chair | Brenda Dang | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2014 | Vice Chair | Phi Nguyen | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2014 | Secretary | Maggie Wong | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2014 | Director of Membership Standards | Anita Lewis | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2013 | Executive Chair | Brian Gee | Pi Alpha Phi |
2013 | Vice Chair | Phi Nguyen | Lambda Phi Epsilon |
2013 | Secretary | Alicia Chau | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2012 | Executive Chair | Brian Gee | Pi Alpha Phi |
2012 | Vice Chair | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2012 | Secretary | William Xu | Pi Delta Psi |
2011 | Executive Chair | Maria S. Iglesia | Delta Phi Lambda |
2011 | Vice Chair | Gordon Wong | Pi Alpha Phi |
2011 | Secretary | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2010 | Executive Chair | Maria S. Iglesia | Delta Phi Lambda |
2010 | Vice Chair | Gordon Wong | Pi Alpha Phi |
2010 | Secretary | Hannah Seoh | Delta Phi Lambda |
2009 | Executive Chair | Melissa Montenegro | Delta Phi Lambda |
2009 | Executive Vice Chair | Namit Sachar | Sigma Beta Rho |
2009 | Vice Chair of Finance | Judy Le | Sigma Psi Zeta |
2009 | Vice Chair of Operations | Vicky Tsai | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2008 | Executive Chair | Melissa Montenegro | Delta Phi Lambda |
2008 | Executive Vice Chair | Nate Hayward | Pi Delta Psi |
2008 | Vice Chair of Finance | Delia Chung | alpha Kappa Delta Phi |
2008 | Vice Chair of Operations | Arthi Kodur | Delta Kappa Delta |
NAPA comprises of 18 member fraternities and sororities. NAPA does not regulate the day-to-day operations of its members. If you have specific questions about a particular NAPA member organization, please contact their President.
Former Affiliates
The following organizations were previously affiliated with NAPA but have since departed the Association.
Organization | Year of Departure | Year Established |
Sigma Omicron Pi Sorority | 2010 | 1990 |
Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity | 2023 | 1929 |
Beta Chi Theta Fraternity | 2023 | 1999 |